Non-continuous processes connect or separate continuous processes so they and their representations in a model can be very different. Logic-based digital computer representations not only provide a relatively consistent modelling framework but they also enable the usage of additional mathematical methods which can handle highly complex sets of continuous and non-continuous processes. An example here is the control of extensive supply systems where the design and control of consumer needs, the production of the material assets for the supply service and the forms of storage and consumption require an integrated approach.
A technological process is a complicated system which must be controlled. It must be started and stopped if necessary adequately, in line with technological and security requirements. Often we have to examine logical conditions and intervene accordingly. These non-continuous interventions are called open-loop controls. When operated, the process must be maintained in compliance with the prescribed rules, what can be executed by closed-loop control.
On page 116 the cooperation between closed-loop and open-loop control is illustrated through an example.